Some people are still struggle to get good Antivirus on their laptop or mobile phone. Some may go to this one and tomorrow will go to another one.
So today i decided to tell you the top 10 Antivirus that you need to have one on your pc.
10. 10. Kaspersky Internet Security
9. ZoneAlarm Antivirus Tool
8. F Secure Antivirus
7. Panda Cloud Antivirus
6. G Data Antivirus
5. Bull Guard Antivirus
4. AVG Antivirus
3. Bitdefender Antivirus Plus
2. Avast Internet Security
1. Avira Antivirus
I knew some people may ask why Avira is number one. Here is my aswer...
There are various reasons for us to enlist avira name at the top of the list of top 10 best antivirus softwares in 2015. Some of the reasons include; Avira lets its users enjoy two different and well versed protection areas, strong scanning allows you have highly integrated and well performing systems, and zero risks of malware or virus threats.
Alhamdulillahi... comment and share. Call us at 07035311650
Posted by Mujaheed Naseer on Friday, 8 January 2016 - Rating: 4.5
Title : Top 10 Antivirus for 2016
Description : Bismillahi.... Some people are still struggle to get good Antivirus on their laptop or mobile phone...
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Title : TOP 10 ANTIVIRUS FOR 2016
Description : Some people are still struggle to get good Antivirus on their laptop or mobile phone. Some may go to this one and tomorrow will go to anothe...