Hello good day bloggers, is this an improvement you call it, recently one of the blogs i manage
WWW.ABDULHAYYU.ML which is my personal and central blog. have convertecd now to
WWW.ABDULHAYYU.COM. many people knew me with my first domain and it is quite attracttive so i decided to establish a new blog with www.abdulhayyu.ml. so now you can access via this two blog. i would like to make a compliment to those who support me in my blogging career.
i thought and think of a easy way to visit my blog and read its content without a stress so i came up with an idea of generating an
ANDROID APPLICATION which will be easy for visitors to see my blog content the application has the following details
abdulhayyu blogs
IOS de :
the application has the following features
1. Ability to visit the Blog from the application
2. Ability to switch layout
3. Ability to rate its content
4. Ability to download photos
5. Ability to read and unread articles
The application works effeictively and efficiently just like other applications once you open the data connection of your phone it will trigger and download all latest content from the blog and therefore leave it on the notification bar just like whatsapp messages.
Finally i would like to make an call of expression about Civilisation of Northern Nigerian Youth on Blogging
i wonder why we northners dont like blogging and therefore hate those who do it thinking that blogging is all about madness. there is this forum we are trying to create i think it will enable youths join the act of blogging "
UNITED BLOGGERS FORUM" we have been trying to create a platform which will be a Blogging Class and therefore we are building this
WWW.UNITEDBLOGGERS.TK it is a site that allows user to create an account conect with other people there will be a froum where young bloggers will make a stand. it is under construction so it will take time before its finished thanks to my colleagues like Brianworker, Danhajiya, Parissan, Muzammil. who spare no effort in the developoment of UBF.
if you have a problem with that contact me
ADMIN@ABDULHAYYU.COM or use contact form at the top for instant message.
Description : Hello good day bloggers, is this an improvement you call it, recently one of the blogs i manage WWW.ABDULHAYYU.ML which is my personal a...