Alhaji (Dr) Mamman Shata (born in 1923 inMusawa, Katsina State, Nigeria, died on 18 June1999) was a Nigerian singer.He was a well-known Hausa griot/musicianamong the Hausa people of West and North-eastAfrica. His vocals were often accompanied bytalking drums, known as kalangu. He performedfor the Hauskpojkpoa people of Northern Nigeriafor more than half a century.Early lifeHe went to an Islamic school as a boy, accordingto Hausa Muslim tradition.Musawa village was under the Katsina NativeAuthority (N.A.) when Shata was born. When theLocal Governments were created it came underKankia Local Government. Today, Musawa is aLocal Government of its own.Shata's father, Ibrahim Yaro, did not want him tobecome a musician due to widely held belief ofthose days that music or praise-singing was aform of 'roko' or begging. His father being of theFulani ethnic stock, the young Shata was expectedto become a farmer — a more dignifiedoccupation. Shata's insistence on becoming amusician was therefore seen as a rebellionagainst the norm.Music careerShata acquired his sobriquet of 'Shata' from aman called Tsalahu (Salahu). Shata sell his nutsfor Tsalahu and after the sale he shares the profitto people he met on his way home or in themarket and comes back to Tsalahu emptyhanded, as such he was given the name 'Shata'meaning to spread. He combined this trade withthe sale of sweets ('mishin'). He usually sing forfun in the market place or the local play groundcalled 'gaandchili'. Later he abandoned bothtrades and embraced music or praise-singing full-time. This vocation took him to many villages inthe Musawa area. However Mamman Shata settledat Daura with his notable benefactor Emir ofDaura; Alhaji Muhammadu Bashar, Finally hesettled in Bakori, where he married his first wife,Binta. They had a daughter, Amina, who died ininfancy. From his base in Bakori, Shata traveledwith his band to places as far away as Katsina andKano, which he first visited in 1952. A few yearslater he moved to Funtua, a more cosmopolitantown not far from Bakori. Shata made Funtua hishome for about forty years - up until his death.Mamman Shata was one of the best sellingPolygram artistes from the north in the 80s. Hewas a highly respected folklorist. He spent about50–60 years in the music industry.Alhaji Shata could not recall or remember howmany songs he produced. He was able to recordsome.He visited many African and Western countries,including the United Kingdom France and UnitedStates of America.Shata was very famed to have sung for every topicunder the Hausa land's sun: agriculture, culture,religion, economy, politics, military, etc. Shatawas awarded honorary doctorate degree byAhmadu Bello University in recognition of hiscontributions to Hausa literature.His relationship with other musicians wascordial. Some of his notable benefactors wereEmir of Daura; Alhaji Muhammadu Bashar,Mammada Dan Sambo, Emir of Kano; Alhaji AdoBayero, Sultan of Sokoto; Muhammadu Maccido,Jarma of Kano; Alhaji Muhammadu AdamuDankabo; and Emir of Zazzau, Alhaji ShehuUsman Idris.Political careerHe joined politics in the 1970s, becoming a
Councillor under Kankia Local Government area.His politics was largely left-wing even though hisbenefactors (the royal and the business classes)were mostly on the right. He ascribed this to hishumble background. In the 2nd Republic (in the'80s) he was first in the centre-of-right GNPP andthen moved to the conservative ruling party, theNPN. In the 3rd Republic he was elected as theChairman of SDP of Funtua Local Government.DeathAlhaji Shata died on Friday 18 June 1999. He wassurvived by three wives (Furera, Hadiza, andBinta), 19 children, and 28 grandchildren. He wasburied at Daura. However; he married many otherwomen and divorced them, some with childrenbetween them. Amina (the third of his wives whenhe died) never gave birth even though she livedwith him for more than 10 years.
Description : Alhaji (Dr) Mamman Shata (born in 1923 in Musawa, Katsina State, Nigeria, died on 18 June 1999) was a Nigerian singer. He was a well-known H...